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Phase I Environmental Site Assessments:

The introductory phase of investigating whether there is a potential for environmental risk or contamination that may affect the value of a property is referred to as a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA), commonly referred to in Massachusetts as a “21E Assessment.”  We conduct Phase I ESAs in accordance with the US EPA “All Appropriate Inquiries” (AAI) standards and practices (40 CFR Part 312) and guidelines established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM Policy E1527-13: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process). 

Phase II - Limited Subsurface Investigations:

In order to directly evaluate potential environmental conditions that may have been identified during the Phase I ESA process, a subsurface investigation (Phase II ESA) may be required. The Phase II ESA process typically involves the collection and laboratory analysis of soil, groundwater, and/or indoor air samples to evaluate potential risks.  These assessments may also include an evaluation of the potential presence of underground storage tanks (USTs) using geophysical survey methods. We conduct Phase II ESAs in accordance with ASTM Standard 1903-11 and assessment protocol set forth by the MassDEP and US EPA.


Emergency Response Services: 


Releases of oil and/or hazardous material (OHM) that may require emergency response include roadway releases, surface spills, pipeline leaks, and tank ruptures.  We have relationships with several emergency response dispatching companies, such as Cyn Environmental, Global Remediation, and General Chemical/Clean Ventures. We provide assessment, oversight, and site closure services associated with releases that require emergency response.


Underground Storage Tank Closure Services: 


In accordance with Massachusetts regulations, all single-wall steel underground storage tanks (USTs) must be removed by 2017, and environmental assessment is required at the time of UST removals.  There are thousands of USTs in the state that are subject to this regulation.  We assist property owners and operators with obtaining  UST closure permits and conduct environmental assessment during tank closures.


Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup: 


Regulations implemented by the MassDEP that assessment and cleanup of hazardous waste sites must be managed and/or overseen by a Licensed Site Professional (LSP).  We have two (2) on-staff LSPs, and we provide oversight services during comprehensive assessment and remediation projects in accordance with Massachusetts regulations.


Brownfields Redevelopment Sites:


Many underutilized and contaminated properties (i.e., Brownfields Sites) are located in very desirable locations for commercial and industrial businesses.  Federal and State entities have established incentive programs to provide economic relief for environmental costs that may be associated with the redevelopment of Brownfields Sites. We provide property purchasers, developers, and municipal clients with environmental assessment, remediation oversight, site closure, and reimbursement opportunities for redeveloping Brownfields Sites. We also provide site design and engineering services to clients seeking to redevelop urban properties. 

Contaminated Soil Management:


Property redevelopments and utility installation projects often require the displacement of excess soil to meet geotechnical and grading requirements. In urban areas and roadways, the excess soil is nearly always contaminated to some degree.  We assist clients with excess soil testing, identification of suitable off-site fill locations, and tracking of material generated during the construction process.  We are uniquely poised to help clients reduce the volume of potentially impacted soil, and in some cases eliminate the need to generate excess soil. By becoming involved in the civil engineering process early on, we can design grading requirements to result in the “net balance” of soil. This can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in (potentially unforseen) site development costs.

Health and Safety Plans:


An OSHA Health and Safety Plan (HASP) is a document that describes the process for identifying potential hazards that could pose harm to workers, and provides a framework for mitigating the risks posed by those hazards.  We provide developers and contractors with HASPs for projects ranging from small construction sites to large hazardous waste site cleanups.


Environmental Sampling:


The collection of representative and usable data is the cornerstone of reliable environmental assessment.  Without sampling in the right locations, or collecting samples in a reproducible manner, the reliability of an environmental consultant may be in question.  We specialize in the preparation of sampling plans and collection of a variety of environmental samples (soil, groundwater, indoor air, surface water, and sediment) in accordance with guidelines and regulations published by the US EPA and MassDEP. We assist clients in the collection and evaluation of samples from the perimeter of groundwater discharge and landfill areas, and the preparation of regulatory reports associated with sample collection.

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